it's about books this time

...and then some.

I loved (still love) my old blog: I just couldn't keep up with it. I ran out of things to say, and then when I wanted to say other things, I didn't necessarily want to blog them. It's the double-edge of giving someone my blog address: every once in a while they might drop by and read what I said. And whether they're reading a post that was weeks/months old or just hours old, they still might want to discuss it in real life. And I'm not like that.

So, this time, I'm creating a focus. A purpose, if you will. I want to rekindle my love of reading, and I can't keep justifying my book purchases if I, in fact, am not going to actually read the books! Plus, Ava is practically in the same boat as me -- the love of books + the means by which to acquire said books = just a few steps shy of actual clinical book hoarding. 

Hi, my name is Diana, and I love books. I have hundreds of books spread out over my living room bookcase and my classroom bookcase. And, today, I just purchased more...

See -- lots of things to blog about!

The name of the blog is really representative of me and Ava...I dog ear my corners, and Ava uses a bookmark. 

diana + ava

dog ears + bookmarks


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